FOASPS joined the group BE & CA il y a 9 months, 3 semaines
FOASPS edited the document PlaidoyerPack in the group Com-RP il y a 11 months, 3 semaines
FOASPS commented on the document FinancialTrainingPack in the group DAF il y a 11 months, 3 semaines
thank you for these useful resources
FOASPS edited the document CoachingMentoring_English in the group Leadership il y a 11 months, 3 semaines
FOASPS edited the document CoachingMentoring_English in the group Leadership il y a 11 months, 3 semaines
FOASPS edited the document FrenchPlaidoyerPack in the group Com-RP il y a 11 months, 3 semaines
FOASPS edited the doc Formation PEPP il y a 11 months, 3 semaines
FOASPS edited the document FinancialTrainingPack in the group DAF il y a 11 months, 3 semaines
FOASPS changed their profile picture il y a 11 months, 4 semaines