Advocacy Pack
Target groups
Anyone in charge of a civil society organization working to defend causes for which it wishes to mobilize more convinced stakeholders.
The main aim of the workshop is to meet the capacity-building needs of FOASPS and its member associations in advocacy, and to improve its advocacy planning process. It targets the heads of the Executive Board or Council, and the members and employees of the associations in question.
The specific objectives of the workshop are to enable participants to build their capacity to :
- Explain and give content to the concept of participatory advocacy ;
- Establish a link between the vision of Participatory Advocacy and their role as actors in their own development.
- Improve their basic understanding of the Advocacy Framework and some tools for creating an effective advocacy strategy;
- Develop an advocacy action plan, incorporating specific targets and goals, that can later guide them in the development of their advocacy initiative.
Expected results
This training will produce the following results:
- Participants will be able to conduct (replicate) a similar advocacy strategy design process.
- The organization in which the participants work will have a draft strategy on an advocacy topic chosen by the participants (or in advance by the leaders).
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